All the things you have to do for your newborn baby makes the whole experience challenging. You would not want to worry about choosing the right type of clothes for your baby when you need to change, clean, feed, burp and sooth them all the time. Understanding that baby clothes must be comfortable, easy to clean and smooth not to harm the baby's tender skin is therefore very crucial. Below are some of the things you need to consider when buying these clothing.


Opt for cotton


Just as the baby is precious to you, their delicate skin must be treasured too. Getting your baby 100 % pure or combined cotton has been found to be the best thing you can ever do. Read more about it at After all, experts assure you no sensitivity issues will arise as long as you stick to this rule. You can experiment on other blends once the baby is above one year old.


Choose pants with elastic parts


You may be forced to wait a few more months before getting your baby a matching pair of jeans like your own. It is very inconveniencing trying to get your baby in and out of these type of pants no matter how trendy they seem. Your aim should be to least disturb your baby and maximizing on their comfort thus choosing elastic banded pants is the best move. In case you feel it is necessary for your baby to have a pair of jeans then avoid those with buttons and buy the stretch ones.


Go for side or front opening clothes


Babies do not like having things being pulled over their heads for obvious reasons. If you want to avoid any tantrums excessive cries therefore make sure you look for newborn baby boy clothes that open from the front or side where the baby's head will be least disturbed. This is not always possible and as such finding clothes with large necked openings will be your next best option.


Buy large fitting clothes


Babies grow very fast. This may come as  a surprise especially for first time mothers as they watch their babies outgrow their new clothes in a matter of weeks. In case your baby feeds well make sure you buy clothes at with large allowances to accommodate their fast growth. Furthermore, your goal is to ensure you maximize the time you spend with your new baby and not visiting convenient stores.


Remember that shopping for a newborn baby requires preparation to get it right. Make sure you buy enough clothes, as you will have to change the baby several times in a day. You will have to change you baby many times during the day considering how messy they get.